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Yemeni Asylum Seeker Support

In 2020 we saw an unprecedented number of Yemeni asylum seekers entering into the UK

Their journey began years before their arrival, after civil war broke out in Yemen and made life impossible in Yemen.   With men and boys being plucked off the streets and conscripted into the war effort, many fled the country .  All land borders were closed so there was no way to get out except illegally.  

Yemen has a long history with the United Kingdom and although this minority community is small in London, there are much larger communities in cities like Birmingham, Liverpool, Sheffield and Cardiff.  Nearly all of those we have dealt with had a long, arduous and very dangerous journey to get into the UK.  Most crossed the English Channel in small dinghies as we see on the news.  Along the way, many have endured torture and imprisonment but they are remarkably resilient and hard working and they want to do whatever it takes to prove that they can rebuild their lives and make a contribution to society at large.

We have been in a position to give them support at the early part of their time in the UK by bringing them provisions and clothing, connecting them legal advice and buying them travel cards and shopping vouchers.

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