зміцнення життя вразливих мігрантів
0203 4880638/ 07394 923278/ 07738762636
General Information, Advice and Guidance
MAS run 2 services one in person at the Contact Centre, Guildhall 2 and the other a telephone/email service (see details below)
Drop-in Sessions on
Mondays AND Fridays
10am - 2pm
(Other times are available throughout the week by appointment)
Find us opposite the Job Centre:
At Kingston Council Information and Contact
Centre, Guildhall 2, KT1 1EU
Please call or email to to make an appointment
Telephone: 020 3488 0638 / 07394 923278
Please note: MAS do eVisa Advice from Tuesday to Thursday
See eVisa Page
Telephone and Email Enquiries on
Mondays TO Fridays
10am - 2pm
Please call or email for advice
Telephone: 020 3488 0638 / 07394 923278
Email: info@migrantadvocacyservice.org.uk

Information, Advice and Guidance
Our service supports migrants, some of whom are refugees, whose first language is not English, they may have poor literacy skills, and are unfamiliar with the system of life in the UK. Our trained advisers can assist clients through practical issues on a wide range of subjects, most commonly housing and rent arrears, debt, benefits and their welfare rights, education and access to health.
We help them to resolve their practical problems and show how to avoid them in the future.